
解析:AttentionAllEmployees Due to

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Due to the unusual cold snap inDecember, our gas bill for the month was the highest on recorD、In anticipation of further cold weather in January and February,Duvall Manufacturing is instituting the following energy conservation measures immediately until further notice:
All offices, storage rooms, and warehouses will lower their thermostats from 77℉ to 74℉ during working hours.After hours, all managers are responsible for reducing the temperature further to 70℉. Upon starting work, managers should raise thermostats to 74℉. This small measure is estimated to save the company at least $400 per month. The company advises the wearing of a sweater or vest to work.
All doors and windows must be secured after working hours in offices. This will reduce any unwanted drafts from further cooling buildings.
The factories will set thermostats to 70℉ on all shifts. The heat from the machines and human activity should make work there within the comfort range. Many factory workers already complain about the warm temperatures in their work spaces.
Our heating gas bill--and probably yours at home--is a major expense. Prices for liquefied gas have risen by more than 30% since last winter. Please help us to reduce costs and keep everyone atDuvall at work.
On what basis was the charge of $10,459.45 calculatedA.The current meter reading
B.The last meter reading
C.The next scheduled meter reading
D.Payment due


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