
1题:The announcement of John Stanton’s retirement was not well received by most of the staff members, but Leslie, his long time friend and colleague, was extremely ______ to hear that Mr. Stanton will now be able to enjoy some leisure time.

2题:Questions 196-200 refer to the following e-mail and press release.
To: <norman@santos.com; roger@santos.com; jackie@santos.com>
From: Keith Wilson <keith@santos.com>
Date: Thursday, October 23
Subject: Mr.Charlie McGreger’s resignation
Thank you all for a very productive meeting this morning. This message confirms our agreement on the main points of the media report Santos LtD、will release to the press at 5 RM. this afternoon.
The report will be brief and to the point. It will announce Mr.Charlie McGreger’s resignation and the appointment of his replacement. There will be no references to Mr.Charlie McGreger’s reasons for resigning his position. Mr.Charlie McGreger has asked us to respect his privacy and we intend to do that.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Keith Wilson
President, Santos, LtD、
Change in Leadership at Santos, LtD、
Press release
October 23, 17:00
Santos, LtD、has just announced the resignation of itsChiefExecutive OfficerCharlie McGreger, effective immediately.
Since taking over leadership of Santos, LtD、8 years ago, Mr.Charlie McGreger has built relationships with major film and broadcast studios, including its recent collaboration with Morin Film Works.
Mr. Norman Winter, Head of Human ResourcesDepartment at Santos, LtD、, said, "Mr.Charlie McGreger led our company through considerable progress. We owe a lot of business success to him.And we’ll be forever grateful for his insight and initiatives."
Ms. Jackie Johnson, aCreativeDirector ofBreakingEntertainment, will assume the position vacated by Mr.Charlie McGreger. Prior toBreakingEntertainment 5 years ago, Ms. Jackie Johnson worked at GrimmBrother’ s marketing and advertising departments.After appointed to Santos, LtD、, she will focus on expanding television, radio and finance industries.A、short biography of Ms. Jackie Johnson and a list of her professional achievements can be found at web site www.santos.com.
Ms. Jackie Johnson, aCreativeDirector ofBreakingEntertainment, will assume the position vacated by Mr.Charlie McGreger. Prior toBreakingEntertainment 5 years ago, Ms. Jackie Johnson worked at GrimmBrother’ s marketing and advertising departments.After appointed to Santos, LtD、, she will focus on expanding television, radio and finance industries.A、short biography of Ms. Jackie Johnson and a list of her professional achievements can be found at web site www.santos.com.
Where was Ms. Jackie Johnson last employed
A、At Morin Film Works
B、At Santos, LtD、
D、At GrimmBrothers

3题:Your communication skills are ______ mine.
B、better than
C、the best

Who most likely is the womanA、delivery person
B.A、store clerk
C.An IT technician
D.A、computer programmer

5题:During the one-month trial period, customers are under no ______ to sign any contracts.





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