
解析:Unmarried WomenBecoming Homeowners

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【单选题】Unmarried WomenBecoming Homeowners
An increasing number of single women are buying their own homes, according to industry experts.By contrast, the figures for unmarried men buying houses or apartments show no increase. What is behind this trend I put the question to analysts at the RealEstate Institute, who came u p with the following observations:
· Women no longer seek marriage and a homemaking role as their first priority, but want a stable job or career instead, and this puts them in a position where they can own a home independently.
· Single men are no longer pressured to "settle down," which traditionally means getting a stable job with a career path and then getting married and buying a house. They tend, therefore, to be less likely to have stable jobs.
· Women are increasingly better qualified and in many areas have surpassed men. This enables them to obtain better and more highly paid jobs.
· Women seem to be more capable of seeking good advice and completing the formalities of obtaining a mortgage.
Experts at the institute expect the trend to continue, as home ownership provides financial and emotional security for women who are not yet ready to seek a "partner for life."
Jeanette Jones
What do the experts at the institute predictA.Men are beginning to show an interest in the real estate market.
B.Men will reclaim the positions they lost to women.
C.Women will continue to invest in homes.
D.Women will resort to marriage for emotional security.


专家分析自己买房的女性会越来越多,故答案是(C)。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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