
解析:Board Meeting Minutes Brand offCor

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【单选题】Board Meeting Minutes
Brand offCorp.
November 21
Board Members who were present: Seiji TanakaCFO) , Karen Weisz,DougBergen and Laura Houston
Board Members who were absent:Dora Wang
Proceedings: The meeting was called to order byCEO andChair, Michael Smith.
CEO’s report:
-Recommends that employees should not stay in the facilities after 10:00 p.m.Board agreeD、
-The sales manager,DuncanAllensby, recommends that the company take part in the trade show in March to attract those who are looking for distributors. Seconded and passed by theBoarD、
CFO’s report:
-Recommends that the company start preparations next week for the upcoming yearly financial audit.
-Reviews cash flow statements and balance sheets.Discusses issue of receiving payment in advance from clients.
Other business:
-Bergen talked about plans to restructure the network system.
-Weisz announced that she would retire at the end of next year.
Assessment of the Meeting:
-Houston noticed that discussions during the meeting were not focused on the topics.
Meeting finished at 11:30A、m.
Minutes submitted by Secretary, Rachel Perez.
To:Dora Wang
From: Michael Smith
Subject: Yesterday’ s board meeting
Attached is a document that has the minutes from yesterday’s 9:30A、m. meeting. Please look it over and let me know if you have any comments. Sorry to hear that you are ill. I really missed your input yesterday.Bergen could have used your help when he spoke about the plans to upgrade the company’s network system. If you have time next week, I’d like to go over in detail what we discussed about the upgrade. I hope you get well soon.
What did Michael Smith recommend
A、The company starts preparing for a financial audit,
B、The company takes part in a trade show in March.
C、Employees are not allowed to stay after 10:00 in the office.
D、Employees are allowed to stay later in the office.

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