
解析:InEngland, the first calls to restr

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【单选题】InEngland, the first calls to restrict advertising came in 1963 from the RoyalCollege of Physicians, who highlighted the health problems associated with smoking and recommended that stricter laws (150) imposed on the Sale and advertising of tobacco products. In 1971, the government and the tobacco industry reached an agreement that included the health warnings on all cigarette packets.All television commercials for cigarettes were banned starting fromAugust 1, 1965, (151) commercials for loose tobacco and cigars continued until 1991.
Non-television advertising campaigns were still allowed in the UK but came under stricter guidelines in 1986, which in particular, prevented advertisements (152) a person smoking.


(A)so conj. 所以 [例] He stayed up last night, so he didn’t catch the school bus this morning. (他昨晚熬夜,所以今天早上没赶上学校公车。) (B)but conj.但是 [例] David is eloquent, but he rarely talks. (大卫口才很好,但是他很少说话。) (C)also adv. 也 [例] Frank is also a devoted Christian. (弗兰克也是一位虔诚的基督教徒。) (D)when conj.当 [例] She is good at dancing, and she also sings well. (她舞跳得很不错,歌也唱得好。) 由于(C)是副词,不可用来连接两个从句,故仅(A)、(B)、(D)可能为正确选项。唯根据上下文语意,(B)应为正选。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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