
解析:From:Darlene Harvey To: Joe Lincoln

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【单选题】From:Darlene Harvey
To: Joe Lincoln
Dear Mr. Lincoln,
Thank you very much for agreeing to speak at the Sales Managers’Conference on June 21.As I told you over the phone, we will be happy to pay for your flight to San Francisco and your accommodations in the city. Our policy is to allow speakers to make their own travel arrangements, and then compensate them afterwards. We find that this is more convenient for everyone involveD、Please retain all documentation relating to your trip, and send it to me so that you can be fully reimburseD、
The conference will be held at the HarborsideConventionCenter, which is around three miles from the center Of the city and is within walking distance to restaurants, shops, and a small park. There are a few hotels in the surrounding area that might suit you. Often, conference speakers like to stay at The Swanson, which is just across the road from the convention center.Another popular venue is Wilkin’s Hotel, as it is close to the busy and interestingChinatown area of the city. If this is your first visit to San Francisco, that might be a nice place to stay. Finally, HotelAurelia on MonacoBoulevard is where many conference speakers and guests choose to stay, as it has a lovely view of the harbor. Of course, these are just some suggestions, and you are welcome to stay wherever you like.
If there is anything at all I can do to help with your preparations for the conference, please let me know. We look forward to seeing you in June.
Darlene Harvey —ConferenceAdministrator, Get Together
From: Joe Lincoln
To:Darlene Harvey
Subject: Re:Details
Thank you for your email last Week. If I were unfamiliar with San Francisco, it would certainly have been useful information, so I appreciate it. However, I actually grew up in the city, and I still have relatives in the region. While at the Sales Managers’Conference, I intend to stay with my aunt so that I can catch up with her. Therefore, I won’t require compensation for my accommodations.
Instead, there is something else I want to inquire about. My aunt’s house is in the suburbs, so I will need to catch a cab from there to the convention center in order to make it to the conference on time.Can Get Together reimburse the cost of the cab for me I’m sure you will agree that this is much more cost-effective than having me stay at a hotel. Please let me know your answer soon.
Joe Lincoln
What is the main purpose of Ms. Harvey’s emailA.To ask an expert to speak at an event
B.To provide information to a speaker
C.To remind a presenter about an obligation
D.To confirm the details of a conference delegate


Our policy is to allow speakers to make their own travel arrangements, and then compensate them afterwards. if there is anything at all I can do to help with your preparations for the conference, please let me know. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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