

来源:网考网托业 所有评论

【单选题】Questions 164-166 refer to the following brochure.

MorristownDental HygieneClinic
The University of Medicine andDentistry of New Jersey operates the MorristownDental HygieneClinic (hereafter "theClinic") to provide the community with access to affordable routine dental cleaning.
TheClinic’s services are available seven days a week, 10A、m. to 10 p.m. TheClinic is located adjacent to theChildren’sEducationCenter at 201 W. Main Street, Morristown, New Jersey 27701.
For more information on theClinic, please call (919) 680-2654.
Please telephone the reception desk ((919) 680-2650) for appointment details.
Patients who are new to theClinic will be screened in their initial dental appointments.During the screening process by the dental assistant, the patient will fill out a Medical/Dental Form, have his/her blood-pressure checked and undergo a brief check of the mouth.
Medical Record of a Patient
Patients who have been seen at theClinic previously may schedule an appointment without repeating the screening process if less than 24 months have elapsed since the previous treatment.
Dental Fee
Please check at the reception desk for prices.
This appointment includes dental bleaching, X-rays and fluoride treatments. The treatment lasts for 40-50 minutes. Patients attending cleaning treatment only are responsible for returning to a general dentist for a thorough examination or further treatment.
According to the brochure, for whom is screening NOT necessary
A、Patients who require only a cleaning
B、Patients who have been referred from other clinics
C、Patients returning within 24 months of their last visit
D、Patients who will be seeing their general dentist

中级问题 文章中关于患者资料记录(Medical Record of a Patient)的句子中提到“上次治疗未满24个月的患者(if less than 24 months have elapsed since the previous treatment)”可以不必再进行筛分检查,直接预约即可。因此可以不必进行例行检查的患者是(C)“从上次诊疗开始到现在不足24个月的患者(Patients returning within 24 months of their last visit)”。Questions 167-168 refer to the following e-mail message. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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