
解析:From: mattcohen @ paneuroassets.co.

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【单选题】From: mattcohen @ paneuroassets.co.uk
To: emirrenoff@tudorgrouphotels.com
Date:December 1
Dear Ms. Mirrenoff,
On November 29, I e-mailed you to make a reservation for your grand suite in the Tudor Hotel Warsaw fromDecember 7 throughDecember 9. Now I need to know if it would be possible to extend that by two days.
The refreshments that I earlier requested for my stay would also have to be provided, in particular the buffet lunch. I would also need the audio equipment and electronic slide presentation equipment. I’d prefer to have these set up in one of your smaller conference rooms by hotel staff by 8:00A、M. every day. Ideally, the conference room should be above Floor 22, so that participants could get a good look at the lake which the hotel overlooks.
The extension is necessary because I have just learned that product managers from our affiliate in Prague will be arriving unexpectedly to join us for talks on our marketing strategy.
Ordinarily, I’d ask you to call to confirm whether you can do all of this and then have the revised itinerary sent over by courier. However, I have to leave the office right now to catch a flight to MadriD、If you could fax over the updated information to our office there, I’d appreciate it. I’ll personally pick up the documents when I arrive. I know this is a busy time but I hope you can accommodate me on such short notice.
Pan-EuroAssetsCorporation, United Kingdom
What is inferred by Mr.Cohen
A、His current company has reduced personnel.
B、His original group has expandeD、
C、His job position has been raiseD、
D、His product line has been changeD、

这道题包含“infer”一词,是需要“推测”才能作答的“难”题。一般来说,文中“语气”发生变化的部分经常会成为考点。如:在这封电子邮件的第三段出现了“The extension is necessary because…”,这里对变更预约时间的必要性进行了说明。解题时,我们必须注意这类语气发生转变的句子。这里提到,原来没有计划前来参会的人员将要出席,所以是(B)。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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