
解析:EducationCareer Fair Tuesday, Jul

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EducationCareer Fair
Tuesday, July 3
9:30AM to 5:00 PM
The FennelCenter
75 ParataiDriveAuckland, NZ
All teachers working within theAuckland metropolitan area and students atAucklandCollege ofEducation are invited to attend theEducationCareer Fair.Admission to the event is free and registration is conducted upon arrival. Refreshments and coffee can be purchased inside.Attendees, including teachers and principals, will have an opportunity to interact in the FennelCenter. Interviews are scheduled to take place regularly throughout the day.
Job applicants are advised to bring copies of your resume and business cards!
To: Zoey Jenkins
From:Devon Smith
Subject: Recruiting drive
Date: June 17
Hi, Zoey,
I hope you will consider getting involved with Westlake Secondary School’s recruiting drive at this year’sEducationCareer Fair. Your current employer, Greg Forbes, highly recommends you for this temporary position. With your professionalism and enthusiasm, you can help us attract bright young teachers to our school. Our booth will be in sectionD、at this year’sAucklandEducationCareer Fair, and we hope you will be there to support us.
In line with our strategy last year, we are planning to hire recent graduates from theAucklandCollege ofEducation. However, we will also be on the lookout for a few older teachers with more experience. We urgently need to place three new math teachers and one new art teacher before the school term starts in September. If you choose to represent our school at this event, you will be in charge of registering applicants for preliminary interviews conducted during the afternoon.
Please let us know as soon as you have made a decision. I sincerely hope that you will accept this opportunity.
Devon Smith
Director, Recruiting
What is likely true about Westlake Secondary School
A、They hired new staff at the same event last year.
B、They want to recruit three new teachers.
C、They are set in the heart of downtownAucklanD、
D、They are currently planning to relocate their premises.

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