
Session: How to Manage your Stress
TheCenter for Mental Wellness is offering their renowned session on "How toDeal withDifficult People in the Workplace." In the current environment that we work in, many face undue stress over difficult relationships with co-workers, negatively affecting their productivity, performance in general, and other work relationships, and even causing interference into their personal lives.
This session will focus on the following:
* How to work effectively with difficult people and situations
*Conflict prevention and resolution
* Positivity to achieve balance
A、summary guidebook, which can be used as a daily tool, will be distributed at the end of the session.A、full list of valuable resources will also be available.
There will be two sessions on y with limited attendance Monday, May 4 & Tuesday, May 5. Please register for your session as soon as possible at the front desk to reserve your seat early.
What will the seminar participants receiveA、free booklet
C.An invitation to the second session

D、A、box of tools



According to the speaker, what can be found on the websiteA.Competition rules
B.An event schedule
C.Entry details
D.Previous winning photos

What type of message is thisA、customer complaint
B.A、training tape
C.An opening hours notice
D.An automated menu






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