
解析:Message for You To: KareemAswan

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Message for You
To: KareemAswan
Date: Monday, 10:45A、M.
You received a
Fax VisitLetter/Package
Mr. Ted Hall from RiseCorporation called to update us on the equipment we purchased from them for our factory in MexicoCity. He stated the shipment left the port of St. Petersburg onAugust 9 and should arrive in New York on or aboutAugust 20. They will process the goods through U.S.Customs there and bring them to our quality control center inCharlottesville byAugust 23.After tests are done there, we can forward the goods on to the factory where they will ultimately be useD、
He said he will be sending you an e-mail with the delivery schedule and payment instructions later today.
TakenBy: Mindy Potter
According to the message, what will happen later in the day
A、Ms. Potter will forward an e-mail.
B、A、payment will be made to RiseCorporation.
C、Some factory goods will be shippeD、
D、Mr. Hall will contact Mr.Aswan.

这道题问的是“今后会发生什么事情 ”或“过一会儿要做什么 ”一般来说,“今后的行动”都会写在文章的最后。由“He said he willbe sending you an e-mail”可以得知,他会“发送邮件”。这里的“He”指的是“Mr.Hall”,“you”是“Mr.Aswan”,所以是(D)。在解这道题时,我们应该立刻意识到“contact”就是“sendyou an e-mail”的同义转述,而不能死盯着“e-mail”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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