
解析:Wanted!Buyer for UpTown Threads,

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Wanted!Buyer for UpTown Threads, In
New York’s hottest retail clothing chain is seeking a full-time, fully committed buyer for its Miss Tween line of fashion. The right candidate must have at least five years’ experience in clothing retail, preferably with famous brands. Responsibilities will include attending fashion shows, networking with peers and the press, and making profitable decisions. Qualities needed include peerless social skills, professionalism, and dedication to the craft of clothing.
Rewards are commensurate with experience, education, and letters of reference, two of which are required from designers, journalists, or previous employers. No academic references, please. This is the perfect break for those who really want to dive head first into the world of fashion.
Send cover letter,CV, and letters of reference to:
UpTown Threads, In
339East 39th Street
Manhattan, New York 10031
All applications must be received byApril 10. We will notify all candidates whether their applications were accepted or not.
UpTown Threads, In
339East 39th Street
Manhattan, New York 10031
Dear Sirs or Madams:                     April 2
Enclosed please find this cover letter along with myCV and two letters of reference as requested in your advertisement in Les Girls magazine of March 15. My contact information, including work telephone, home telephone, and cell phone, is listed in myCV.
I am eager to work for an up-and-coming company like UpTown Threads, In
C、I worked two years for TheDesign Shed in lower Manhattan as an assistant buyer, mostly for fabrics and ready-made clothing. One letter of reference is from the former owner, Ms.AndreaBesch. The other is from my current supervisor,Angela Melinni, ofDivine Inspiration, a well-known retail chain store operating inEurope andAmerica, specializing in mature women’ s clothing.AtDivine Inspiration, I am an assistant to Ms. Melinni, often accompanying her on overseas trips to fashion shows in Paris and Milan.
Although I love my current job, nearly five years of constant exposure to and excellent training as a buyer has made me ready to work independently within a company. I believe my background is ideal for young women’s clothing.
My only shortcoming is that I have four and half years’ experience in total, not five as mentioned in your aD、I believe, however, that my letters of recommendation will attest to my professionalism in and dedication to this fielD、
Hoping to hear favorably from you soon, I am
Very sincerely yours,
Samantha Kowlowski
Samantha Kowlowski
Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a requirement in the advertisementA.Professionalism
B.People skills

C、Teaching background
Devotion to the job


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