
解析:Museum Keeping Up with the Times G

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【单选题】Museum Keeping Up with the Times
Graham Roux, director of the LyallBay Museum, announced today that the facility will undergo a major renovation over the next two years. The museum was initially built in 1974 ancl has received no significant structural upgrades since that time. Mr. Roux unveiled the redevelopment proposal at an official ceremony yesterday.During his speech, he indicated that, in its current state, the museum is too ordinary and lacks notable features to attract local visitors and foreign tourists.
Mr. Roux has been working on the project since he was appointed lasl June.Although his ideas quickly generated enthusiasm in the community, raising the funds to carry out the task proved extremely difficult. His initial plan to charge admission to the museum met with fierce opposition. Instead, he finally managed to secure $20 million dollars from private sources, as well as a $4 million granl from the LyallBay Municipal Government, to fund the redevelopment project.
The plans for lhe renovated museum are ambitious. There will be a new alrium decorated with traditional arts and artifacts. In addition, the area in front of the main entrance, which is currently a concrete square, will be changed to include a lawn and gardens, creating a pleasant atmosphere for visitors. The plans also show an extended eastern wing. This will house a new exhibit called the "21stCenturyCollection," where objects and symbols popular in today’s world will be on show. The aim of the exhibit, Mr. Roux says, is to show visitors that "history is being made every day." Members of the public can view the plans either at the museum reception desk, or online al www.lyallbaymuseum.corn.
How did Mr. Roux raise moneyA.Through an increase in the admission fee
By encouraging companies to invest in the facility
C.Through a combination of public and private donations
D.By holding a range of special fundraising events


he finally managed to secure $20 million dollars from private sources, as well as a $4 million grant from the lyall Bay Municipal Government, to fund the redevelopment project. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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