
解析:Questions 181-185 refer to t

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Questions 181-185 refer to the following purchase order and letter.

Ship Prepaid-Add all delivery charges on invoice

Fish Market Restaurant
905 North High Street
Baltimore, MD、21002
Tel: (401) 555-5154
Fax: (401) 555-5177
Super Seafood Suppliers Ship To: Joey Farina
39908Cold SpringCircle Restaurant Manager
Baltimore, MD、21117 Address above
Tel: (401) 555-0087
Fax: (401) 555-0097
Reference: Purchase Order 9855 Invoice To:CatherineCox
Date:April 9, 20_ AccountingDepartment
Address above
DeliveryDate:April 16, 20__
Item Number Quantity UnitCostTotalCost
Tuna $8704T 200 pounds $4.00$ 800.00
Lobster $4399L 150 pounds 8.00 1200.00
Shrimp $3280S 350 pounds 6.00 2100.00
Salmon $2956A、300 pounds 8.00 2400.00
Subtotal 6500.00
Shipping/Handling 5% 325.00
Prepared by:{{U}}Joey Farina{{/U}}
Date: {{U}}April 8,20__{{/U}}
CC、AccountingDepartment; PurchasingDepartment; ReceivingDepartment
April 11, 20_
Mr. Joey Farina
Restaurant Manager
Fish Market Restaurant
905 North High Street
Baltimore, MD、21002
Dear Mr. Farina:
I received your purchase order yesterday, and I need to go over a few items with you. Please call me as soon as you receive this letter.April 16 is coming soon and I have not been able to reach you to discuss the order. Have you received my voicemail messages We normally need ten days between receiving a purchase order and filling it. You must pay an express service charge of $100 in order to have the order filled byApril 16.
I’ve checked with our suppliers, and we can provide 300 pounds of shrimp and 250 pounds of salmon at the present time. We will provide the remainder as soon afterApril 16 as possible, if that suits you.
Finally, a correction needs to be made to the shipping/handling fee on the purchase order.
Our usual charge for this is twice as much as you assumeD、I’m enclosing a revised bill for you. With the express service charge, the change in quantity of shrimp and salmon, and the recalculated shipping/handling fee, your new total comes out to $6,480.
Please call or e-mail me today so that we can discuss your order. Thank you for working with Super Seafood Suppliers.
Sincerely yours,
Sandra James
Sandra James
Sales Manager
When does Joey Farina want his order deliveredA、April 8

B、April 9
C、April 11
D、April 16


This is the delivery date Joey Farina asked for on the purchase order. Choice (A) is the date he prepared the order. Choice (B) is the date the order was sent. Choice (C) is the date of Sandra James’s letter. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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