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【单选题】Questions 181-185 refer to the following flyer and e-mail.
191 NW RamonaAve,
2 FullBathrooms
Great for family or roommate situation!
* Owner’s purchase of another home prompts Fantastic Price, $289,900!

BestBuy!Compare andDecide for Yourself!
We’re convinced that 191 NW RamonaAve. is the best buy in Lincoln!As you view other homes, use this list below to compare features and amenities. Then come back and see this one again-if it’s still available!
Charmingly Old World            ModernlyConvenient
* High ceilings               * Upgraded kitchen
* Wood floors                * New stove
*Archway between rooms           * New dishwasher
*Built-in drawers and storage in hall * New built-in microwave oven
* Practical and Reliable          *Delightful and Inviting
*All new plumbing             * Pleasant view from every window
*Exterior painted in 2006         * Yard that features:
* New furnace                Flowering bushes and trees
* Security system              Fenced backyard
* Storage space in attic and basement    Friendly, yet respectful neighbors in great neighborhood           
For private viewing, call 768-456-8643.
Sarah Richards
Advantage Group InC、, Realtors
3932 HendersonBlvd, Lincoln, NJ 79543
To: Sarah Richards <srichards@agir.com>
From:Bonnie Rawson <brawson@maC、com>
Sent: Mon 5/21 10:11EM.
Subject: House
Dear Ms. Richards,
Hello. I saw the flyer about the house at 191 NW RamonaAvenue, and wanted to make an appointment for a private viewing. My husband and I work Monday through Friday so either Saturday or Sunday would work best for us. The house used to belong to my grandparents. The last time I was in the house was about 25 years ago, shortly before my grandparents sold it.
My family and I recently moved back to this area, and are currently renting an apartment that is much too small for us. The house is within our price range, and I know that it’s in one of the safest neighborhoods in the city. How long has the house been on the market Have the owners had any offers for the house My husband and I will be free this Saturday afternoon and Sunday evening. Would either of those days work for you
Bonnie Rawson
According to the flyer, which part of the house has been renovated recently
A、The bedroom
B、The garage
C、The system of water pipes

D、The hall

初级问题 (第一篇文章)传单上明确提到All new plumbing(全新的管道),由此可知新近装修的部分是(C)The system of water pipes(水管设施)。只要知道plumbing是“管道”的意思就能够解答这道题,这是再基础不过的题了。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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