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【单选题】The general manager ______ us at the financial meeting that one-tenth of the employees will be laid off because of the worsening depression.


[理由] 本句测试下列4个均表“说”的动词(tell、speak、say、talk)的用法: 1) tell 表“告诉”,以人作宾语,采用下列结构: tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 tell sb+that 从句告诉某人…… [例] She tells her child a story each night. (她每天晚上都告诉她小孩一则故事。) The boss often tells the employees that they should work hard. (老板常告诉员工说他们要努力。) 2) speak表“说话”。之后可接语言作宾语,用于下列结构: speak to sb和某人讲话 speak English/Chinese/French 说英语/汉语/法语 [例] Hold on! John wants to speak to you. (等一下!约翰想和你讲话。) John speaks good English. (约翰说得一口好英语。) 3) say表“说”,之后接words something或nothing作宾语,用于下列结构: say some words/sth说些话 say nothing 什么话也不说 say+that从句说…… [例] The man sat there without saying anything. (这名男子坐在那里一言不发。) He said that he would come back pretty soon. (他说他很快就会回来了。) 4) talk作不及物动词则表“谈话”:亦可作及物动词,表“说服”,用于下列结构: talk to/with sb 和某人讲话 talk sb into+V-ing说服某人…… [例] I want to talk to your manager right now. =I want to speak to your manager night now (我现在就要和你们的经理谈话。) We talked him into changing his idea. =We persuaded him to change his idea (我们说服他改变想法。) 空格后有us(我们)作宾语,得知空格内应置入told,合乎语意及用法,故(A)应为正选。原句实采用“tell sb+that从句”的句型。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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