
解析:InEngland, the first calls to restr

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【单选题】InEngland, the first calls to restrict advertising came in 1963 from the RoyalCollege of Physicians, who highlighted the health problems associated with smoking and recommended that stricter laws (150) imposed on the Sale and advertising of tobacco products. In 1971, the government and the tobacco industry reached an agreement that included the health warnings on all cigarette packets.All television commercials for cigarettes were banned starting fromAugust 1, 1965, (151) commercials for loose tobacco and cigars continued until 1991.
Non-television advertising campaigns were still allowed in the UK but came under stricter guidelines in 1986, which in particular, prevented advertisements (152) a person smoking.
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本句测试意志动词的用法: 意志动词通常有下列4类: 1) 建议:suggest、recommend、advise、propose 2) 要求:ask、demand、require、request 3) 命令:order、command 4) 规定:rule 以上意志动词之后接that从句时,that从句中的主语之后恒使用助动词should,且should可省略,保留之后的动词原形。 [例] I proposed that the meeting (should) be postponed until next Friday. (我提议该会议应延至下星期五再举行。) 根据上述,原句空格前有意志动词recommended(建议),且之后接that从句作宾语。得知该that从句当中的主语之后应省略了助动词should,而保留动词原形be,故得知(A)应为正选。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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