
解析:MEMO To:All MarkoEnterprises S

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To:All MarkoEnterprises Staff
From: Maximilian Johansson
Subject: Worker Morale
Date: January 29
Complaints have been made of discriminatory remarks in our office. This is completely unacceptable behavior at MarkoEnterprises. We are legally and morally bound to take action against any form of discrimination, whether against sex, race, religion, or sexual orientation.Each of our team members has signed a contract against such actions. Therefore, any member caught doing so will be fired on the spot, in accordance with our no-tolerance policy.
In order to improve our working environment, a one-hour lecture by the StateAnti-DiscriminationBoard will be held every Monday for four weeks beginning on March 3 from 1:30-2:30 p.m.All staff, including myself, is required to attenD、
At MarkoEnterprises, we strive for excellence in business and relations. The way we treat one another in the workplace is directly connected to how we treat clients and how we represent the company. MarkoEnterprises intends to take the lead in making sure all of our hard-working staff feel secure. Please join us in making MarkoEnterprises a leader in human rights.
What can be inferred about Mr. JohanssonA.He is a victim of discrimination.
B.He holds a lower-level position in the company.
C.He is sincere about reducing discrimination.
D.He discriminates against his employees.


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