
解析:French 200: Intermediate FrenchConv

来源:网考网托业 所有评论

【单选题】French 200: Intermediate FrenchConversation
Instructor: Pierre Rodin
French 200 is a course tailored to students who already understand the basics of the French language and would like to improve their conversational skills. This course can help you build on your language skills by increasing your vocabulary, refining your pronunciation and word choice, and boosting your confidence in using French. You should also develop the ability to recognize various accents and dialects used by different French speakers.
Students .are required to have completed basic French training at any recognized language school or similar institution.
Registration should be made by fax or email byAugust 15th at the latest. We do not accept telephone registrations.
Pierre Rodin, associate professor of French atEast Lombo University, is an expert on language acquisition, having delivered speeches at numerous conferences on successful techniques for teaching language skills.
Who is Pierre RodinA、language instructor
B.A、cultural studies student
C.A、French tour guide
D.A、French author


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