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Questions 150-152 refer to the following letter.
The Little Tea Room
Blumberg 77
Adlkofen, Germany

Dr. Johannes Spieker
Hinterkirchstrasse 15
Frieburg, Germany
DearDr. Spieker:January 7, 20__
I wanted to write and personally thank you for your kind effort in helping to tend to one of our {{U}} (150) {{/U}} at our restaurant in her time of neeD、Briana Hilton, the woman you helped resuscitate on Monday, gave me your name and address when I spoke to her on the phone today. You {{U}} (151) {{/U}} be glad to know that she is recovering in the hospital and is almost ready to be releaseD、As it turns out, you assumed correctly that the woman was suffering from a severe and sudden allergic reaction to nuts. She had neglected to inform the waitress that she couldn’t eat any food containing nuts. Your skill and presence of mind saved her from suffering a terrible tragedy. Please bring your family in for a complimentary meal at your earliest convenience so {{U}} (152) {{/U}} I may thank you in person.

HenrikAndresen, Manager
A、had better



The modal will makes this a future tense verb. Choice (A) refers to an obligation. Choice (B) refers to a possibility. Choice (D) cannot be correctly used preceding a base form verb. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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