
解析:From:Admin department To:All employ

来源:网考网托业 所有评论

【单选题】From:Admin department
To:All employees
Don’t forget that this Friday is the company’s 15th anniversary celebration. The event will be held downtown at the FarmersAuditorium, 205 Main Street, starting at 6:15 pm and lasting approximately three hours.Due to limited parking options downtown, the company will be operating shuttles from our offices to the auditorium and back. You do not need to register for the shuttle—there will be plenty of room for everyone.Buses will leave from outside the main building entrance starting at 5:00, and after the ceremony they will bring everyone back. Please direct all questions to theAdministrationDepartment. See you on Friday!
Where will buses take employees after the event
A、To a parking garage
B.To the auditorium
C.To the office building
D.To the anniversary celebration


Buses will leave from outside the main building entrance starting at 5:00, and after the ceremony they will bring everyone back. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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