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【单选题】To: salespeople@mangrooveenterprise.com
From: jh@mangrooveenterprise.com
Subject: Sales Meeting
For the last three quarters, our sales have dropped nearly 30 percent. We understand that there is no problem with the quality of the new products recently released, so I believe our sales strategies do (150) something to be desired, and we cannot make excuses. Seeing the first drop should have motivated us to think up better sales strategies and new ideas of how we can increase revenue.
Unfortunately, we have yet to really work towards improving our financial year so far. I, therefore, would like to get you all to (151) feasible ways to help improve the current situation.
Overall, our company has been in a slump for the last year. For this reason, I demand that a meeting (152) this Friday at 2 p.m. Please be on time with your proposals.
A.run into
B.come up with
C.hold up
D.make up for


hold up... 耽搁…… [例] Sorry, I’m late. I was held up in traffic. (抱歉,我迟到了。我陷在车阵里动弹不得。) (D)make up for... 补偿…… [例] The shop refused to make up for the customer’s loss. =The shop refused to compensate for the customer’s loss. (这个店家拒绝补偿该顾客的损失。) 根据上述,(B)应为正选。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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