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Session: How to Manage your Stress
TheCenter for Mental Wellness is offering their renowned session on "How toDeal withDifficult People in the Workplace." In the current environment that we work in, many face undue stress over difficult relationships with co-workers, negatively affecting their productivity, performance in general, and other work relationships, and even causing interference into their personal lives.
This session will focus on the following:
* How to work effectively with difficult people and situations
*Conflict prevention and resolution
* Positivity to achieve balance
A、summary guidebook, which can be used as a daily tool, will be distributed at the end of the session.A、full list of valuable resources will also be available.
There will be two sessions on y with limited attendance Monday, May 4 & Tuesday, May 5. Please register for your session as soon as possible at the front desk to reserve your seat early.
What does the notice implyA.Many people in today’s society don’t know how to get along with others.
B.Relationships with co-workers correlate with work productivity.
C.Stress can help one work more efficiently with a little training.

D、Most companies don’t consider the mental well-being of their employees.


同事之间复杂的人际关系导致员工产生很大的心理压力,这会对其工作造成一定的影响。答案是(B)。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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