
1题:A、Did Mrs.Cohen leave a message for me
B、Yes, it’s on ______ desk.
A、me B、yourC、it D、us

Why haven’t they been able to make callsA.There is no electricity.
B.The phones have been stolen.
C.The operator quit..
D.The reception is baD、

3题: The supervisor wants the inventory ______by next Thursday.
A.(A) will be finished
B.(B) finish
C.(C) finished
D.(D) finishing

4题:Dear New Haven resident,
(147) the New HavenChildren’s Foundation, I would like to cordially invite you to the 2ndAnnual KidsChorusConcert. The concert offers a chance for children and young people all around the region to sing and perform in front of a large audience. Last year’s inaugural event was extremely successful, raising over $50,000 for the foundation. This money was invested in resources for children, including a brand new skateboard park on Harris Street.
Over 2,000 patrons watched the first KidsChorusConcert last year at Verity Hall.Attendance at this year’s event is (148) to be even higher, so we’re moving to a larger venue. The concert will be in the WaffordAmphitheater at 5:30 pm on Monday,August 16. Tickets cost just $25 per person.
I encourage you to make a big contribution to the local community by showing (149) support for this event. The children and young people of New Haven will thank you!
Kind regards,
Ben Hilman
Chairman, New HavenChildren’s Fundation





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