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【单选题】Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-mails.

Meridian Finance Group
1247 7th Street, Suite 200,
Santa Monica,CA、90401
Phone: 310-260-2130
Fax: 310-260-2140
Web: http://www.meridianfinance.com
To: JamesCrawford (crawford@source.com)
From: Peter Gardner (gardner@meridian.com)
Date: July 25
Subject: Update on the workshop on Friday,August 10
Dear Mr. JamesCrawford,
Thank you for agreeing to conduct the Office Management workshop at Santa MonicaConferenceCenter onAugust 10. We are excited to hear about your new computer software, which may be a beneficial tool for our business.
In my previous e-mail, I said the workshop would be held in the Ocean Hall, but it has been changed to the Pacific Hall. Please stop at the security desk when you get here and give the security guard your name. The guard will issue you a guest pass and escort you to the proper place.
If you have handouts that you want us to copy before the workshop, my assistant Mr. Patrick Gallaway can make them. If you send him your material by Tuesday, July 30, he will have them ready for you. His e-mail address is gallaway@meridian.com. If you have any questions, please let me know.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.
Peter Gardner
SourceTec SoftwareCo,LTD.
2707 WoodrowCourt.Suite 100
Billings,KS 67601
To:Peter Gardner(gardner@meridian.com)
Date: July 26
Subject: Update on the workshop on Friday,August 10
Dear Mr. Peter Gardner,
Thank you for your e-mail.
I would like to show you that our computer software can help improve productivity and increase the number of services you can supply your clients with. I’m confident that you’ll find our software quite useful.
On the day of the workshop, I’ll bring our colleague, Mr. Gary Mendell, who will take care of technical issues. Mr. Gary Mendell is one of the computer programmers who developed this software, so he will be able to answer technical questions your employees may have about it.
As for handouts, I’ll contact your assistant on Monday, the 29th of July. There will only be a few pages as most of the demonstration will be given on a computer at the workshop.
Who is Mr. Gary Mendell
A、An administrative assistant
B、A、security guard
C、A、computer programmer

中级问题 (第二篇文章)问题关键词是人名(Mr. Gary Mendell),因此要注意把握和Mr. Gary Mendell有关的细节内容。文中明确提到“Gary Mendell先生是一名电脑程序员(Mr. Gary Mendell is one of the computer programmers…)”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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