
解析:GOLD、RID E、RENTALS Customer Info

来源:网考网托业 所有评论


Customer Information:
Phone Number:______
Type of vehicle desired(check one):
Car() Van() Motorcycle() Other(specify: )
Model & Make:______
Insurance* (check all desired):
Travel() Health() Life()Breakdown ()
Estimated rental period:(days)
Rental purpose(check one):
Business() Leisure() Other(specify: )
Major destinations anticipated during rental(fill in the blanks):
1) State______City______
2) State______City______
3) State______City______
Gold RideCenter vehicle will be returned to:______
Payment Method(choose one)
· TravelersCheck
·CreditCard [Card number andExpirationDate:______ ______ ______ ______/______/______] (Vehicle fee schedule on separate page)
By signing below, you agree to the following terms:
The vehicle selected by the customer must be returned to a Gold Ride RentalCenter in the same condition as at time of rental. The customer is liable for any damage to the vehicle while in his or her possession, including but not limited to body, engine, tires or interiors. Rental charges accrue every 24 hours and begin upon the customer taking possession.Charges end when the vehicle is formally returned to any Gold Ride RentalCenter.
Add-on coverage against collision and theft: $ 75 per type requesteD、
What is NOT a rental agreement .
A、Damages to the vehicle will result in a fine.
B、Charges must be paid within 24 hours of rental.
C、Vehicles may be returned to any store location.
D、Insurance against theft costs extrA、

含“NOT”的问题是“What is true~ ”的相反形式。这就需要我们认真对照选项和文章内容,迅速找出文章中没有出现的信息。我们应该先找出选项中比较“醒目”的句子来对照,这是很重要的。(B)中的“24 hours”就是很好的例子。在文章的最后提到了“Rentalcharges accrue every 24 hours(租赁费用按每24小时为一个单位计算)”,这与选项(B)的意思不符,所以就是正确选项。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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