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【单选题】WonTech International announced today that its long-time chief of financial operations, Roger Mata, will be stepping down on Friday. Taking his place will be Maria Santos, the company’s current director of accounting. Later this week she will travel from her office in Sydney to corporate headquarters in Vancouver for high-level discussions withCEO Kenneth Song. Santos, a native ofCebuCity, the second-largest city in the Philippines, has been with WonTech for just over ten years. Her colleagues report that her management style is friendly but firm, and she has earned an excellent reputation within the Sydney accounting office. She is also a generous supporter of the arts, and is known to patronize the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at least once a week. Santos will assume her new duties next Monday, and her replacement in Sydney, KevinBright, will be installed at the same time.
To: Maria Santos
Subject: Just read the news
Maria, what a terribly pleasant surprise it was to find the WonTech press release in my inbox this morning. Why didn’t you tell me the news earlier ! Who would have thought fifteen years ago, when we were both struggling to get ahead atDatadym Industries, that you would one day beCFO of WonTech International I’m so proud of you.
And, I have another reason to be happy—it sounds as if you’ll be in Vancouver this week! I’m sure you remember that I moved here last year to take a job with the nonprofit investment firm ofDavis&Lee. I haven’t had many chances to explore the city, as they’re keeping me pretty busy at work, but I do know some great spots to grab lunch or perhaps take in some sights. Should you have any time to spare during your visit, there’s nothing I would enjoy more than getting the chance to catch up and congratulate you in person.
You must be so excited about this opportunity, and I know you’re up to the task. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Mata several years ago at a conference, and he seemed very capable. I’m sure he’s left the office in good shape for you. I’ve also had positive dealings with your boss here in Vancouver. I only hope your replacement is able to fill your shoes in Sydney—I’m sure you’ll be missed there[ Looking forward to seeing you,
Why did Ms.Arnett write to Ms. SantosA.To offer her a position at a nonprofit organization
B.To congratulate her on her promotion
C.To invite her to a symphony performance
D.To request information about her job


WonTech International announced today that its long-time chief of financial operations, Roger Mata, will be stepping down on Friday. Taking his place will be Maria Santos, the company’s current director of accounting. Maria, what a terribly pleasant surprise it was to find the WonTech press release in my inbox this morning. I’m so proud of you. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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