
解析:Where most likely are the speak

来源:网考网托业 所有评论

Where most likely are the speakersAt a doctor’s office
B.In an office in Tokyo
C.At the man’s company
D.AtDr.Carlton’s house


[听力原文] 41-43 W: Hello, sir. Welcome to Dr. Carlton’s office. How can I help you M: I have an appointment scheduled for Thursday, but I just found out I have to fly to Tokyo on Thursday morning. W: Well, I guess you’ll be needing to reschedule, then. Actually, the doctor’s free in about 30 minutes, if you have time today. M: That’s good luck. I’d be happy to wait here and see him today. Thank you very much. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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