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National Museum ofArt to receive award
The National Museum ofArt, previously referred to as theEmilyCarr Institute ofArt, has received the Ministry ofCulture honorary award for its innovation and creativity in the display of works created by young artists.
The honor was awarded after new works were displayed, from which included pieces designed by young elementary and high school students.As part of a nationwide competition, more than 200 works were submitted and reviewed by a panel of 5 elite judges. Since only 25 pieces were chosen for the display, the competition was tough and the judges had difficult decisions to make, a spokesperson from the museum commenteD、
The competition generated an enormous amount of publicity, where generous reviews have been published in some of the nation’s most influential magazines. What made this competition unique was the fact that students were given very few restrictions as to the type of art the competition called for. The ideas and creativity put into the art and the success of the competition have motivated the government to invest more time and money into art programs in the education system. The exhibit is currently on display at the National Museum ofArt running through to the end of the month.
According to the article, how many works of art were chosen for the exhibit

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