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Business Outsourcing UpdateConference
Southern InsuranceCompany
Kiozawa ITCorp.
August 23
Blake Tower, Room 3497C
197 Grasner Street
Dallas, TX
Kiozawa ITCorp. personnel please remain in the Southern Insurance lobby to be escorted in by the receptionist Ms. Haversack stationed there. She will provide you with visitor IDs and lead you through Security. Sign-ins to the logbook will also be done for you by her.
Southern InsuranceCompany Kiozawa ITCorp.
Pradip Sharma Kenji Machimura
Mike SinghRobin Lessing
JohnBrokowitz Bunko Saito
Introductions &
Outsourcing objective re-cap:Pradip Sharma
Business processing schedule:Kenji Machimura
Targets and achievements: Bunko Saito
Core functions & implementation: Robin Lessing
Strategic aims accomplished to date: JohnBrokowitz
Transfer of processes: Open discussion
Software compatibility: Open discussion
Personnel training and consulting:Mike Singh
Summary, Southern Insurance:JohnBrokowitz
Summary, Kiozawa ITCorp.: Bunko Saito
Why has the meeting been scheduled
A、To evaluate competitors
B、To review progress

C、To analyze markets
D、To research new services

这是一篇与会议议程相关的文章。这道题问的是“为什么要开此次会议”,即“会议的目的”。我们注意一下会议的标题,由“UpdateConference”可知,这是一次共享或交流最新信息的会议,所以是(B)。通常情况下,会议通知是以文本形式出现的。但是这里却列出了议程安排,所以我们要通过标题推测其内容。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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