
解析:Drimbal Information Systems is an e

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【单选题】Drimbal Information Systems is an exciting place!As usual, there are many events, updates, and opportunities taking place in the coming month.Below are a few that pertain to all employees. Please notify Gall McPherson in Human Resources if you have any questions.
* The company’s annual softball tournament is scheduled for the weekend of June 11.Due to an increase in interest last year, we’re going to be requiring everyone who wants to play to register. This cannot be done online—you must fill out the proper form and deliver it toBobBilling, the event coordinator, at least one week before game day. Forms can be found in Mr.Billing’s office.
*AsDrimbal continues to grow, we are taking on more and more international contracts. With this comes the need to modify our business practices to take into account the needs of foreign clients. HelenDaniels from sales will be giving a lecture on this topic on Tuesday, June 14, inConference Room
B、Everyone is encouraged to attenD、
*And finally, you’ve probably noticed that the employee website has been updateD、New features include recent sales figures, upcoming building maintenance information, and a quote of the day from ourCEO. We’d love to hear what you think— share your feedback withArthur Mainz in IT!
Why was this notice mainly created
A、To inform the staff of the month’s events

B、To report the results of a softball tournament
C.To introduce newly hired staff members
D.To encourage workers to use the new website


there are many events, updates, and opportunities taking place in the coming month. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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