
解析:NOTICE、TOCREDITORS re: the estat

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re: the estate of Michael Gordon, formerly of 7 GoldenCircus, Victoria,BritishColumbia, deceased on the 19th of November, 2010.
Notice is hereby given that any further creditors and other claimants against the said estate should contact the offices of Sankin and Sankin, Solicitors, Suite 9, 432 Wilberforce Road, Victoria, V8W 3R3, the executors of the will of Michael Gordon, no later thanDecember 22, 2010.After that date, we, the executors, will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, taking into consideration only claims received by the due date.
According to the notice, what is going to occur afterDecember 22A、funeral will be held in honor of Mr. Gordon.
B.Creditors will get a chance to submit their claims to the debtor.
C.Michael’s estate will be distributed among those who made a claim.

D、The appointment of the executor of the will is going to take place.


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