
解析:Questions 166-168 refer to the foll

来源:网考网托业 所有评论

【单选题】Questions 166-168 refer to the following article.
KaiserChemicalCo. is proud to submit its entry to the 7th annual InnovationContest to be held in the SanDiegoConventionCenter, November 24-26, 2007. The product is a new type of insulation material. Thanks to its unique microstructure, it can keep the houses warmer in the colder winter months and cooler in the summer. This means that using our new insulation will result in a substantial reduction in the consumer heating and cooling bills.
In addition, our new insulation is made without any harmful chemicals. Moreover, our new insulation functions equally well in humid and dry climates.
We invite interested scientists and observers to visit our information booth in the annual InnovationContest and to meet our companyCEO, Mr. Howard Peterson, who is giving a presentation on the product at 10A、m. on November 25.
According to the article, how can people learn more about the product
A、By visiting the Web site
B、By attending a presentation
C、By contacting the heating company

D、By calling KaiserChemicalCo.

中级问题 原文最后一段明确提到,“可访问信息台或通过负责产品介绍的霍华德·彼得森了解产品详细信息”,故(B)选项为正确答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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