
解析:Just-in-Time(JIT) techniques have r

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【单选题】Just-in-Time(JIT) techniques have received considerable attention and discussion in recent years in all areas related to supply chain management. Sometimes referred to as just-in-time purchasing, and frequently referred to as just-in-time delivery, the goal of JIT is to time-phase activities so that purchased materials and components arrive at the manufacturing or assembly point just at the time they are required for the transformation process. Ideally, raw material and work- in-process inventories are minimized as a result of reducing or eliminating reserve stocks. The key to JIT operations is that demand for components and materials depends on the finalized production schedule. Requirements can be determined by focusing on the finished product being manufactureD、Once the production schedule is established, just-in-time arrival of components and materials can be planned to coincide with those requirements, resulting in reduced handling and minimal inventories. The implications of JIT are numerous. Obviously, it is necessary to deal with suppliers who have high and consistent levels of quality, as their components will go directly in to the finished product.Absolutely reliable logistical performance is required and eliminates, or at least reduces, the need for buffer stocks of materials. JIT generally requires more frequent deliveries of smaller quantities of purchased inputs, which may require modification of in bound transportation.Clearly, to make JIT work, there must be very close cooperation and communication between manufacturers’ purchasing organization and suppliers. In JIT operations, companies attempt to gain the benefits of backward vertical integration but avoid the formal tie of ownership. They achieve many of the same ends through coordination and process integration with suppliers.
Originally, JIT was applied to manufacturing processes characterized as MTP, since the effective functioning of the system is dependent upon a finalized production schedule. However, as manufacturing strategies have evolved with more emphasis on flexibility, reduced lot-size production quantities, and quick changeovers, JIT concepts have evolved to accommodateATO and MTO manufacturing as well and in manufacturing is now referred to as lean, as discussed above. In many situations, lead suppliers are used by manufacturers to sort, segregate, and sequence materials as they flow into assembly operations. The goal is to reduce handling and facilitate continuous JIT.
Some organizations, seeing the benefits of JIT systems and recognizing the benefits of supplier integration, have gone so far as to bring their suppliers’ personnel into their production plants. The supplier personnel are empowered to use the customer’s purchase orders, have full access to production schedules, and have responsibility for scheduling arrival of materials.
What do JIT operations depend on

A、Reserve stocks
B、The finalized production schedule
C、Manufacturing or assembly point
D、The efficiency of manufacturers

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