
Laptop computers are popular all

2014年11月24日来源:职称英语考试 所有评论


Laptop computers are popular all over theworld. People use them on trains and airplanes, in airports and hotels. Theselaptops connect people to their workplace. In the United States today, laptopsalso connect students to their classrooms.

Westlake College in Virginia will start alaptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere theywant. Within five years, each of the 1500 students at the college will receivea laptop. The laptops are part of a 10 millioncomputer program at Westlake, a 110-year-old college. The students with laptopswill also have access to the Internet. In addition, they will be able to usee-mail to speak with theirteachers, their classmates, and their families. However, the most importantpart of the laptop program is that students will be able to use computerswithout going to computer labs. They can work with it at home, in a fast-foodrestaurant or under the trees-anywhere at all!

Because of the many changes in computertechnology , laptop use in higher education, such as colleges and universities,is workable. As laptops become more powerful, they become more similar todesktop computers. In addition, the portable computers can connect students tonot only the Internet, but also libraries and other resources. Statehigher-education officials are studying how laptops can help students. Stateofficials are also testing laptop programs at other universities, too.

At Westlake College, more than 60 percent ofthe staff use computers. The laptops will allow all teachers to use computersin their lessons. As one Westlake teacher said, Herewe are in the middle of Virginia and were givingstudents a window on the world. They can see everything and do everything.

67. The main purpose of the laptop program isto give each student a laptop to ________.

A. use for their schoolwork B. access theInternet

C. work at home D. connect them to libraries

68. Why is the word speak in the second paragraph in quotation marks(引号)?

A. They dont reallytalk. B. They use the computer language.

C. Laptops have speakers. D. None of the abovereasons is correct.

69. Which of the following is true aboutWestlake College?

A. All teachers use computers. B. 1500 studentshave laptops.

C. It is an old college in America. D. Studentsthere can do everything.

70. A window on the world in the last paragraphmeans that students can ________.

A. attend lectures on information technology

B. travel around the world

C. get information from around the world

D. have free laptops

71. What can we infer from the passage?

A. The program is successful. B. The program isnot workable.

C. The program is too expensive. D. We dont know the result yet.

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