
1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15题:China to Help Europe Develop GPS Rival
China is to contribute to a new global satellite navigation system being developed by European nations. The Galileo satellite system 51 a more accurate civilian alternative to the Global Positioning System(GPS), operated by the US military. China will provide 230m Euros (USD259m) in 52 and will cooperate with technical, manufacturing and market development. “China will help Galileo to 53 the major world infrastructure for the growing market for location services,” said Loyola de Palacio, EU transport commissioner. A new center that will coordinate co-operation was also announced 54 the European Commission, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology not long 55 The China-Europe Global Navigation Satellite System Technical Training and Cooperation Center will be 56 at Beijing University. China has a substantial satellite launch industry and could potentially help launch the Galileo satellites.
The US has claimed that Galileo could interfere 57 the US ability to downgrade the GPS service during military conflicts. European officials say this is unfounded and counter that US opposition 58 the commercial challenge Galileo would present to GPS. Galileo will be precise to within a meter, while the civilian GPS service is accurate to around 10 meters.
The Galileo satellite constellation will 59 27 operational and three reserve satellites orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 23,600km. The satellites will be strung along three medium-Earth orbits at 56 degrees inclination to the equator and will provide global coverage. The system should be operational by 2008 and the entire project is expected to 60 around 3.2 billion Euros (USD3.6 billion).
The European Commission has said Galileo will primarily be used for transportation technology, scientific research, land management and disaster monitoring.
Galileo will provide two signals: a standard civilian one and in encrypted, wide-band signal 61 the Public Regulated Service (PRS). This second signal is designed to withstand localized jamming and will be used by police and military services in Europe. European Commission 62 have said China will not be given access to the PRS.
The first Galileo satellite is scheduled to launch late in 2004. Clocks on board 63 will be synchronized through 20 ground sensors stations, two command centers and 15 uplink stations.
Receivers on the ground will use time signals from the satellites to precisely calculate their 64 A “search and rescue” function will also 65 distress signals be relayed through the constellation of satellites.
A offer
B offered
C will offer
D has offered
A funding
B providing
C paying
D charging
A build
B use
C become
D do
A in
B at
C on
D by
A before
B ago
C after
D later
A found
B produced
C positioned
D located
A with
B for
C about
D above
A results in
B gives rise to
C is due to
D causes
A be made from
B consist of
C consist in
D be consisted of
A spend
B gain
C give
D cost
A offered
B called
C used
D turned
A officials
B countries
C organization
D agreement
A satellite
B the satellite
C the satellites
D satellites
A speed
B direction
C distance
D location
A send
B let
C allow
D transmit


Dumped waste might contaminate Water supplies.
A destroy    B decrease    C delay    D pollute

17题:Penicillin was discovered by chance in 1928.
A finally
B accidentally
C experimentally
D opportunely

At 80, Peck was still vigorous and living in Paris.
A energetic
B happy
C alone
D busy

Conservation or wasted Effort?
The black robin(旅鸫)is one of the world’s rarest birds.It is a small,wild bird,and it lives only on the island of Little Mangere,off the coast of New Zealand.In 1967 there were about fifty black robins there;in 1977 there were fewer than ten._____(46)
Energetic steps are being taken to preserve the black robin._____(47)The idea is to buy another island nearby as a special home,a“reserve”,for threatened wild life,including black robins.The organizers say that Little Mangere should then be restocked(重新准备)with the robin’s food.Thousands of the required plants are at present being cultivated in New Zealand.
Is all this concern a waste of human effort? what is reasonable and what is unreasonable?_____(48)Are we losing our sense of
In the earth’s long,long past hundreds of kinds of creatures have evolved,risen to a degree of success and died out.In the long,long future there will be many new and different forms of life.Those creatures that adapt themselves successfully to what the earth offers will survive for a long time._____(49)This is nature’s proven method of operation.
The rule of selection--“the survival of the fittest”—-is the one by which human beings have themselves arrived on the scene.We,being ode of the most adaptable creatures the earth has yet produced,may last longer than most._____(5O)You may take it as another rule that when,at last.human beings show signs of dying out,no other creature will extend a paw(爪)to postpone our departure.On the contrary, we will be hurried out.
Life seems to have grown too tough for black robins.I leave you to judge whether we should try to do anything about it.
A.Some creatures,certain small animals,insects and birds,will almost certainly outlast(比……长久)man,for they seem even more adaptable.
B.Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early.
C.Detailed studies are going on,and a public appeal for money has been made.
D.Both represent orders in the classification of life
E.Is it any business of ours whether the black robin survives or dies out?
F.These are the only black robins left in the world

We have ample money for the journey
A some
B little
C extra
D enough

He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.
A maintained
B recommended
C considered
D acknowledged

The union representative put across her argument very effectively.
A explained
B invented
C considered
D accepted

27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41题:Male-Female Expectation about Marriage
The differences between men and women clarify why they have different expectations about communication in marriage. For women, talk 51 intimacy. Marriage is an orgy (狂欢 ) of 52 : you can tell your feelings and thoughts, and still be loved. Women's greatest fear is being pushed away. But men live in a hierarchical world, 53 talk maintains independence and statue. They are on 54 to protect themselves from being put down an pushed around.
This 55 the paradox of the talkative man who said of his silent wife, "She's the talker." In public settings, he feels challenged to 56 his intelligence and display his understanding. But at home, where he has 57 to prove and no one to defend against, he is free to remain 58 . For his wife, being home means she is free from the worry that something she says might 59 someone, or spark disagreement, or appear to be showing off ; at home she is 60 to talk.
The communication 61 that endanger marriage can't be fixed by mechanical engineering. They require a new conceptual framework about the 62 of talk in human relationships. Many of the psychological explanations may not be 63 , because they tend to blame either women (for not being assertive enough). 64 men (for not being in touch with thei feelings). A sociolinguistic approach in 65 male-female conversation is seen as cross-cultural communication allows us to understand the problem and forge solutions without blaming either party.
52、 第52题应选:
53、 第53题应选:
54、 第54题应选:
55、 第55题应选:
56、 第56题应选:
57、 第57题应选:
58、 第58题应选:
59、 第59题应选:
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61、 第61题应选:
62、 第62题应选:
63、 第63题应选:
64、 第64题应选:
65、 第65题应选:


The Science of the Future
Until recently,the“science of the future”was supposed to be electronics and artificial
intelligence,Today it seems more and more likely that the next great breakthroughs in
technology will be brought through a combination Of those two sciences with organic chemistry
and genetic engineering,This combination is the science of biotechnology,
Organic chemistry enables us to produce marvelous synthetic(合成的)materials,However,
it is still difficult to manufacture anything that has the capacity of wool to conserve heat and also
tO absorb moisture,Nothing that we have been able to produce so far comes anywhere near the
combination of strength,lightness and flexibility that we find in the bodies of ordinary insects,
Nevertheless,scientists in the laboratory have already succeeded in“growing”a material
that has many of the characteristics of human skin,The next step may well be“biotech hearts and
eyes”which can replace diseased organs in human beings,These will not be rejected by the body,
as is the case with organs from humans,
The application of biotechnology to energy production seems even more promising,In 1996
the famous science,fiction writer,Arthur C ,Clarke,many of whose previous predictions have
come true  said that we may soon be able to develop remarkably cheap and renewable sources of
energy,Some of these power sources will be biological,Clarke and others have warned us
repeatedly that sooner or later we will have to give up our dependence on non-renewable power
sources,Coal,oil and gas are indeed convenient,However,using them also means creating
dangerously high levels of pollution,It will be impossible to meet the growing demand for
energy without increasing that pollution to catastrophic(灾难性的)levels unless we develop
power sources that are both cheaper and cleaner,
It is attempting to think that biotechnology or some other “science of the future” can solve
our problems,Before we surrender to that temptation we should remember nuclear power,Only a
few generations ago it seemed to promise limitless,cheap and safe energy,Today those promises
1ie buried in a concrete grave in a place called Chernobyl,in the Ukraine,Biotechnology is
unlikely,however, to break its promises in quite the same or such a dangerous way,
41 According to the passage,the science of the future is likely to be
A, electronics,
B, biotechnology,
C, genetic engineering,
D, nuclear technology,
42 Organic chemistry helps to produce materials that are
A, as good as wool.
B, as good as an insect’s body,
C, not as good as natural materials,
D, better than natural materials,
43 According to the,passage,it may soon be possible
A, to make something as good as human skin,
B, to produce drugs without side effects,
C, to transplant human organs,
D, to make artificial hearts and eyes,
44 In 1996. Arthur C,Clarke predicted that
A, biological power sources would be put into use soon,
B, oil,gas and coal could be repeatedly used in the future,
C, dependence on non—renewable power sources would be reduced soon
D, the Chernobyl disaster would happen in two years,
45 What do we learn from the last paragraph?
A,  Biotechnology can solve all our future energy problems,
B,  Biological power is cheaper than nuclear power,
C,  Biological power may not be as dangerous as nuclear power
D,  Biological power will keep all its promises,




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