
解析:Which of the following reasons for

来源:网考网专升本 所有评论

【单选题】 Which of the following reasons for many firms coming to the U.S. is not mentioned in the passage
A.Skillful labor force in the U.S.
B.Advanced management method.
C.Rich consumers.
D.Mass production techniques.


本题为细节综合判断题。文章第二、三两段分析了为什么有众多外国公司进驻美国:广阔的市场和高收入的消费人群(a market of over 200 million consumers with a high average per capital income.)、美元贬值所带来的劳动力成本下降(the cost of American labor has declined)、稳定的政治环境(a politically stable environment)、先进的技术、现代化的管理方法以及有关节约劳动力和大规模生产的经验(…attracted by U.S. technology,its modern management methods,its labor saving and mass production techniques.)。唯独 A 没有提到。 查看试题解析出处>>


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