
解析:从美国来的客座教授john smith 要给你系学生做一个讲座。请写一

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【分析解答题】从美国来的客座教授john smith 要给你系学生做一个讲座。请写一则有关于这个讲座通知,通知的内容包括以下几个方面:
(4) 要求本专业的学生讲座后留下进行讨论

试题答案: Announcement Professor john Smith,a visiting scholar who came to the Department Of History from the United States,will give us a talk on American History at 5 0n Monday afternoon.The lecture will be held at Academic Lecture Hall in Bulding3。All students Of History Department will be asked to attend the lecture. Professor John Smith is famous in the field Of American history and has published several books on this topic.Please bring the notebooks with you so as you may take notes.Students of history are required to hold a discussion after the lecture。Please get to Lecture Hall 10 minutes ahead of time in order to show our respect to Professor Smith. 答案解析:暂无解析 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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