
解析:A、I know a good place B、You’re we

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A、I know a good place
B、You’re welcome
C、Not really
D、Have something to drink
E、Any one F. There’s nothing goodG.Any suggestion H. Yes Why July:Are you free this evening Jack:____56____ July: Shall we go and see a movies Jack: I love movies, but ____57____ at the moment. What about going to a concert July: Sure, I’d love to. ____58____ Jack: Here is a good one, Mozart andBrahms. It’s on at the Festival Hall. Shall we go to this concert July: Fine. We’ll go to this one.Do you want anything to eat now Jack: No, I’m not hungry.July: Well, let’s ___59___ instea
D、Jack: ___60___ for that. Let’s go.July: Good! Let’s go.

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