
解析:A、recent development is the local

来源:网考网专升本 所有评论

A、recent development is the local area network (LAN). (21) its name implies, it (22) a local area—possibly as small as a single room, typically an area like an university campus or the premises of a particular business. Local area networks were developed to (23) a need specific to microcomputers—the sharing of expensive resources. Microcomputers are cheap, (24) highcapacity disc stores, fast and/or good quality printers, etC、are expensive. The object of the LAN is to allow (25) microcomputers shared access to these expensive resources. Since the microcomputers are (26) , it is a necessary feature of a LAN that the method of connection to the network, and the network hardware (27) , must also be cheap.

A、local area network links a number of computers and a number of sewers (28) provide communal facilities, e. g. file storage. (
A、server usually includes a small microprocessor for control purposes.) The computers and servers are known (29) stations. There are two methods of (30) in common use, tings and broadcast networks.
In the ring method( often called aCambridge Ring)all the stations are linked in a ring, (31) includes one special station, the monitor station.
In broadcast networks, all the stations are (32) to a single linear cable (usually co-ax cable), and any transmission will be received by all stations.
(33) technology is used, local area networks are a development of the greatest importance. (34) as programming is simplified by an approach that thinks in terms of small procedures or programs, each doing a well-defined job, the computer system of tomorrow is likely to be (35) lots of small systems, each doing a specific job, linked by a local area network.



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