
解析:{{B}}Passage 3{{/B}} The U.

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【单选题】{{B}}Passage 3{{/B}}

The U. S. government has recently helped people learn more about the dangers of earthquakes by publishing a map. This map shows the chances of an earthquake in each part of the country. {{U}}The areas of the map where earthquakes are most likely to occur are called earthquake "belt".{{/U}} The government is. spending a great deal money and is working hard to help discover the answer to these two questions: ①Can we predict earthquakes ②Can we control earthquakes
To answer the first question, scientists are looking very closely at the most active fault (断层)systems in the country, such as the SanAndreas fault inCaliforniA、A、fault is break between two sections of the earth’s surface. These breaks between sections are the place where earthquake occurs. Scientists look at the faults for changes that might show that an earthquake was about to occur.But it will probably be many years before we can predict earthquakes accurately.And the control of earthquakes is even farther away.
Nevertheless, there have been some interesting developments in the field of controlling earthquakes, The most interesting development concerns the Rocky MountainArsenal earthquakes. Here water was put into a layer of rocks 4000 meters below surface of the grounD、Shortly after this injection of water, there was a small number of earthquakes. Scientists have decided that the water which was injected into rocks works like oil on each other. When the water "oiled" the fault, the fault became slippery and the energy of an earthquake was releaseD、Scientists are still experimenting at the site of these earthquakes. They have realized that there is aConnection between injection of the water and the earthquake activity. They have suggested that might be possible to use this knowledge to prevent very big destructive earthquakes, that is, scientists could inject some kind of fluid like water into faults and change the big earthquake into a number of small, harmless earthquakes.
What is the most appropriate title for the passage ______.A.Dangers ofEarthquake
B.EarthquakeBelts and Prediction
C.Earthquake Prediction andControl
D.EarthquakeEngineering inCalifornia


事实细节题。文章第一段最后一句的两个问题 "The government is, spending a great deal money and is working hard to help discover the answer to these two questions: ① Can we predict earthquakes ② Can we control earthquakes "是对全文主题的总结。答案为C。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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