
解析:The banana "tree" is actually not a

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【单选题】The banana "tree" is actually not a real tree. This is because there is no wood in the stem (树 干) rising above the grounD、The stem is made up of leaves growing very close together, one inside the other. The leaves spread out at the top of the stem and rise in the air.
Banana plants need a lot of care and attention. They must be provided with water if the normal rainfall doesn’t supply enough. The area around the plants must be kept free of weeds (杂草) and grass.
About nine or ten months after planting, a flower appears on the banana plant. This flower is at the end of a long stalk (茎), which grows from the base up through the center of the stem arid turns downward when it comes out from the top. Small bananas form on this flower stalk as it grows downwarD、Bananas really grow upside down.As the small bananas form on the stalk, they, point downward, but as they grow they turn and point upwarD、
Bananas are harvested while they are still green.Even when they are to be eaten where they are grown, they are not allowed to ripen on the plant.A、banana that turns yellow on the plant loses its taste.,
From the text we know when bananas are harvested, they are ______.
A、green and pointing upward B、yellow and pointing downward
C、green and pointing downwardD、yellow and pointing upward

[解析] 事实细节题。从文章第三段最后一句话和第四段第一句话可知,香蕉一开始是往下长的,但是随着不断地长大,它们就转向朝上生长了,并且当它们还是绿色的时候就得采摘下来(green and pointing upward)。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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