
解析:What will be one effect of the new

来源:网考网专升本 所有评论

【单选题】 What will be one effect of the new biotechnology on plants
A.They will grow anywhere in the world.
B.Some will be able to grow in salty soils.
C.They will become poisonous to pests.
D.Using nitrogen from the air they will be able to cross-fertilize.


本题为细节辨认题。在第三段中提到“…they are already actively exploring ways to redesign plants so they will use sunlight more efficiently,resist viruses and other pests, grow in hot or dry areas,in saline soils or in the presence of pesticides…(……他们已经积极地探索重新设计植物的方法,以使这些植物会更有效地利用阳光、抵抗病毒和其他害虫、在炎热或干旱的地区生长、在盐性土壤或杀虫剂环境中生长……)”。 查看试题解析出处>>


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