
解析:It is a terrible illustration of ma

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【单选题】It is a terrible illustration of man’s weakness to nature, and the tsunami(海啸)that struck the Japanese coast in March, 2011 has illustrated the difficulty of fighting against natural disasters, even for a prosperous nation.
Totally preventing tsunami-damage is impossible.But there is much that can be done to minimize damage and loss of life. Measures that can be taken include designing solid buildings, and developing early-waming systems, public education programs and evacuation(疏散) strategies. Moreover, the approach of a tsunami is possibly picked up by the sensors of complicated international waming systems.
Countries can use radio and television broadcasts as well as loudspeaker networks to warn the publiC、
But an early waming system depends on how far the tsunami strikes, if it’s close by, the warning system is not going to be very effective. When people are faced with an unstoppable force like a tsunami the massive waves created by events like underwater earthquakes, the best course of action for them is to get inland and to the higher ground as quickly as possible.
The first paragraph tells us that ______.
A、man can easily defeat the nature
B、tsunamis take place only in Japan
C、man’ s ability to cope with natural disasters is limited
D、the tsunami-damage in Japan is not so terrible

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