
解析:Mrs. Jones was over eighty, but she

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【单选题】Mrs. Jones was over eighty, but she still drove her old car like a woman half her age. She loved driving very fast, and was proud of the fact 61 she had never, in her thirty-five-year driving, been punished62a driving offence(违法). Then one day she nearly63 her recorD、
A、police car 64 her, and the policemen in it saw her 65 a red lighr without stopping. Of course, she was stoppeD、It seemed 66 that she would be punisheD、 67 Mrs. Jones come up to the judge, he looked at her seriously and said that she was 68 old to drive a car, and that the 69 why she had not stopped at the red 70 was most probably that her eyes had become weak 71 old age, so that she had simply not seen it. When the judge had finished what he was 72 , Mrs. Jones opened the big handbag she was 73 and took out her sewing. Without saying a word, she 74 a needle with a very small eye, and threaded it at her first attempt. When she had 75 done this, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed76 the needle and the thread to the judge, saying," Now it is your 77 . I suppose you drive a car, and that you are quite sure about your own eyesight." The judge took the78 and tried to thread it.After half a dozen tries, he had still not succeedeD、The case against Mrs. Jones was79 , and her record 80 unbroken.


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