
解析:What do we mean by a perfectEnglish

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【单选题】What do we mean by a perfectEnglish pronunciation In one sense there are as many different kinds ofEnglish as there are speakers of it. (21) two speakers speak in exactly the same (22) . We can always hear differences (23) them, and the pronunciation ofEnglish (24) a great deal in different geographical (25) . How do we decide what sort ofEnglish to use as a (26) This is not a question that can be (27) in the same way for all foreign learners ofEnglish. (28) you live in a part of the world like India or WestAfrica, where there is a long (29) of speakingEnglish for general communication purposes, you should tend to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this areA、It would be a (30) in these circumstances to use as a modelBB
C、English or (31) of the sort. On the other hand, if you live in a country (32) there is no traditional use ofEnglish, you must take (33) your model some form of practicalEnglish pronunciation. It does not care very much which form you choose. The most (34) way is to take as your model the sort ofEnglish you can (35) most often.



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