
解析:One evening, long after most people

来源:网考网专升本 所有评论

【单选题】One evening, long after most people had gone to bed, a friend of mine and I were (21) our way happily home through the silent street. We had been to a (22) and were talking about the people we (23) and heard in it.
"The show made him a star overnight," said my friend about one of them. "He was completely (24) before.And now thousands of people send (25) gifts and letters." "I thought him quite good," I saiD、"But not (26) thousands of letters.As a matter of (27) one of his songs (28) me a shock. It was too (29) ." "What was that " my friend asked me. "Sing it to me." I began to sing. "Do be (30) , you’ll give everybody a shock and wake them up for miles (31) , besides there will be a policeman after us." My friend gave a surprised look.
"Never mind, I won’t care. What is the matter " I said and went on (32) at the top of my voice.
Presently there came a policeman, standing in front of me, his note-book open.
"Excuse me, sir," he said, "You have a very good (33) if I may say so. Who taught you singing I’d very much (34) to find someone who can give my daughter singing lessons. Would you be (35) to tell me your name and address Then my wife and I would come to your house to discuss it.\


[解析] 本题属逻辑题。下文中有一句“One of his songs (28) me a shock.”我们得知他们去的应该是音乐会。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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