
解析:Speaker A: I'm terribly sorry, but

来源:网考网在职攻硕英语 所有评论

【单选题】Speaker A: I'm terribly sorry, but something unexpected has come up and I won't be able to keep my appointment with you this afternoon. I wonder if we could change the time of Our meeting to sometime tomorrow morning.Speaker B: ______
A.Thanks for calling. I'll expect you at the same time tomorrow morning.
B.OK. Let's meet each other later today.
C.Don't worry. First things first.
D.I'm sorry. I won't be free the whole morning. What about tomorrow afternoon


A方因为临时有事,与B方商量能否改变原先预约见面的时间,需要B方作出答复。A项前半部分的表达不正确,B项后半部分与A方的建议不一致,C项不是这一对话场景下的语言表达。D项是这一对话情景下的正确反应。 查看试题解析出处>>


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