
解析:The world has never been more close

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【单选题】The world has never been more closely and intricately connecteD、Our behavior (51) the environment we all share, and we are tied into a global economy and global communication system. (52) choosing to buy one garment rather than another we help determine whether someone on the other side of the world retains or (53) their job; emissions from one part of the world contribute to a hole in the ozone layer somewhere else; we can (54) with others anywhere via satellites, the Internet and the mobile phone. This interdependency, (55) "connexity", is the defining characteristic of the world today.
However, despite connexity, human beings have also (56) been, more separate.Belief in individual rights and freedoms is at the heart of the West’s world view. People nowadays insist their freedom to (57) how to live, who to love, what to consume and what to believe. In economics, the sovereignty of the consumer and the shareholder is paramount. In politics, the sovereignty of nations remains a (58) concern.
In this inspiring and important book Mulgan argues that our freedom and our connectedness are set or collision course and argues that the (59) way out of our current impasse (僵局) is to go beyond our sense of ourselves as (60) unit, and recognize the webs of mutual responsibility in which we live.
A、link B、connectC、combineD、communicate

[解析] 此处的意思是:“我们可以通过卫星、因特网及移动电话与任何地方的人进行联络。”link常与up,together连用;connect...with强调“连接”,combine. ..with强调“结合”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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