
解析:Increasingly, the development of to

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【单选题】Increasingly, the development of tourism is seen to have an effect on the environment.Erosion (磨损) is one problem. The steps and stones of major popular (51) like Shakespeare’s birthplace or Stonehenge (巨石阵) are literally being worn away by millions of foreign feet. The (52) in the case ofBritain’s best known prehistoric monument has been to use railings to keep visitors at a distance. Such measures can hardly be (53) in the house of theBard, however, where tourists want to enter the actual building.
Overcrowding in cities, towns and villages is (54) problem. Traffic jams are an outcome. In narrow roads, tourist vehicles cause congestion. (55) traders and residents cannot get around to do their work.Car parks fill up, (56) strangers park their cars where they can: in streets, across gateways, in lay-bys, or even in (57) driveways. This causes obstruction. The sheer weights of in-comers can be a hazarD、Thus Venice, a city built for half a million inhabitants, is (58) by another half million who populate the city daily in the tourist (59) —eight million visits each year. The mayor recently decided to (60) visitors to 90,000 a day. the only way to save the city from overcrowding.
A、reduce B、permit C、recruitD、limit

此句说威尼斯市长针对来该城市观光的人数太多而做出限制游客数量的决定。根据句意,首先排除B项permit“允许”及C项recruit“招收”,二者与题意不符;A项reduce意为“减少”;D项limit意为“限制”,相比而言,D更符合上下文意思。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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